25 April 2009

A tasty little teaser...

Ok, so I've been M.I.A. for the past two months on here, so I offer this formal apology to my five followers who have probably been anxiously checking the blog daily, wearing out the front edge of their chairs and couches in anticipation for new posts.  Lo siento.

This mid-Lent to post-Easter season has brought along many changes for me, both promising and tragic, yet always hopeful.  And all of which will hopefully be chronicled in a blog post for all to partake in.  Here are some small updates and potential teasers:
*I may have found the graduate program I want to participate in!  It's an M.A. of Religion at Claremont Graduate University--I'll probably specialize in the Ethics and Society track, and focus on Social Ethics.  I'm going to an informational meeting next month, so I'll give an update on how that goes...
*I have found where I will be living after the summer, and that's all I can say about that right now...(but trust me, it's good stuff!)
*My community at home has experienced a terrible loss through the death of our friend and my former high school pastor Ed Denton on April 15.  I'm still daily processing this, though very slowly and very quietly.  I had to drive up north for the service last weekend, and I started a post on that experience as well.  
*Danica and Matt have successfully indoctrinated me into nerdom, because I am so excited for these two movies to come out in May.  Hopefully us at Sci-Fi Pi will get our acts together after watching these...
*I posted some pictures of my various travels on my Picasa page.  There is a slideshow near the bottom of my blog page with a link to the site.  View, and enjoy...

There's more, but I won't write them down, 'cause, eh...I'm still emerging from my lazy slump.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you're back.

Krystle said...

It was me! I was checking every day!